Friday, July 1, 2011

Politics And Possible School Closure

Since our familys' migration to Stanley in 1979 the Stanley Primary School has consistently delivered high achievers. Surely the academic results and the terrific social skills that it teaches the children must count for something.

James Keir Hardie would be turning in his grave at the treacherous measures that the Labour Party are intending to make. James Keir Hardie was the founding father of the Labour Party. He lived in the small mining village of Cumnock in Scotland while fighting for a better life for the workers and making sure their children had the opportunity of a good education. We know this as we came from Cumnock and so lived and breathed the Labour Party.

I can assure you all that it was never Labours' philosophy to deprive children of the right to have a school in their village.

Ms Giddings should understand that the school is the heart and soul of this beautiful village.

Please give your support. Don't let them shut up shop....because this is what will happen.

The beautiful town of Stanley, Tasmania & its' surrounds needs your help. Let's start now. It's easy. Comments welcome.

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